I’ve been missing for awhile and I’m sure all of my eight followers have been wondering where I’ve been. Ironically, I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been working so much. But I’m also trying to do you a favor by not polluting my bad attitude into the world right now. Let’s face it- lately the economy sucks.
I’m definitely not the only person that has had unfortunate luck with the world of work. I was talking to a friend’s husband recently (who ironically has the same degree as me) about how we feel like we are going backwards. I mean- a lot of people are servers to get themselves through school. I didn’t think I would be a server eight years after I graduated from college.
I think as a society we put a lot of definition on what we do for a living= what your success is. Or maybe it’s just me. Recently, I had two acquaintances I went to high school with come to eat where I work. My first thought? I’m kind of embarrassed this is where I am fifteen years after I graduated high school. I almost felt like I had to justify what I’ve been doing all these years. ‘Yes- I did go to college and have a degree. And I’m also working on getting published and I have a great husband and…’
I realized in that moment that I was letting what I do define me as a person and what my success in life is. And it shouldn’t be. It should be how I’m living my life and what kind of person I am that defines my success. And if someone else doesn’t understand that- well, then they’ve never waited on people for a living….