Servers are not magic genies. Therefore, if you decide as I place your entrĂ©e down that you don’t want onions on it, I cannot instantly fix it. I have been desperate enough to try and channel Barbara Eden by blinking my eyes, and trust me- it does NOT work.
Restaurants are not day care providers. “Kid’s night” does not include a chicken finger meal and babysitting fees. This means that you should tell your child no when they want to pull the table skirt off and pretend it’s a dress. Also not recommended is WWF wrestling in the middle of the dining room and saying it’s fine if they have a fourth Mountain Dew. I would also advise taking any sugar off the table because I’ve seen packets eaten like pixie sticks or dumped in their already sugary soda.
You know how establishments keep track of people who write bad checks? They keep track of other types of people also….