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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Blue Slushie Guy

So I’m at the movies the other day trying to decide if I can stomach the price to get a Coke with my butter drenched popcorn, when I see the machine for the blue slushies.   I can’t help but snicker- I’ll never look at a blue slushie the same again.
My friend had a date with a guy that took her to dinner and then to the movies.  After subtly suggesting that they get the special for dinner, he tried his best to steer her away from the snack stand when they arrived.  Now I do feel for this guy- in this day and age you practically have to get a small loan to go to the movies.  I always wondered if those little banks they have in grocery stores would do well set up next to the popcorn stand.  But it’s not like you don’t know what you’re in for when you go.  And not getting an overpriced snack is like having French fries with no ketchup.  
After they had paid for the tickets and decided on sharing one of the large tubs of popcorn, my friend spots the slushie machine.  ‘Oh, I love blue slushies,’ she exclaims.   Obviously a statement like that is a polite way to ask if you can have one.  Well, the guy either didn’t hear or rather played the selected deaf man act my husband has so perfected over the years, so she said something again.  This time he sighed and said, ‘You just had to see the slushies, didn’t you?   I was trying to make it out of the movies with some money in my bank account.’   Ouch.   I know times are rough but when a blue slushie sets my account into the negative, I know I’m in trouble.
Even though it’s been almost a decade since I’ve dated, I had plenty of my own blue slushie guys.  I had the guy that took me to Village Inn who decided to take charge and order for both of us.  Now if we had been at a romantic candlelit restaurant and he had ordered in French, I would have probably been turned on.  But instead he took charge and told the server we were splitting- yes splitting- the BLT Sandwich with fries, he had a coupon and we would both have waters.  Really?  I can’t even have my own Coke?   Needless to say I never saw the VI guy again.
Another friend of mine met a guy that we dubbed, “The Singing McDonald’s Guy.”    This guy actually had the nerve to ask to be picked up (found out later he didn’t have a car) and then swing by a McDonald’s.    When they got to the window, he wondered if he could “borrow” a few dollars because he was low on cash.   And the singing?  Well, supposedly he was the next American Idol so he sang instead of talked.
What is your blue slushie guy story?

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