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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love and Work Intro..

About five years ago I started writing after a traumatic experience I had at work.     I won’t bore you with the details, but due to a misunderstanding I had to “break-up” with my job.  Break-ups are painful and I mourned the loss while yearning for the good times.    I hadn’t dated in about four years at the time, but I realized the feeling was strangely familiar.    It was then that I realized how much love and work are intertwined.
Whether you’re preparing for an interview or a date, you try to find the right outfit that will impress that person.   You think of possible topics to talk about.   Will that person like me?   And then there’s the post date or interview.   Will they call right away?    And just like hearing the dreaded works of ‘Let’s just be friends’, you receive the “Dear John” letter that states, ‘While we were impressed with your qualifications, we found a candidate that better fits our needs.’   I don’t know how many times I have received a letter or phone call like that when I didn’t even want the job or like the person.   But it still hurts to not be wanted.
I had long decided that I was not going to settle for just anyone to be married to.   I figured I would rather be alone than be with someone I sort of had feelings for.   Shortly before I met my husband, I almost settled.   Not that there was anything wrong with the guy.   He was gorgeous in fact, had a good job and was funny.   But I didn’t have that spark with him.   People thought I was being too picky- that I was seeking something unattainable.   But I knew deep down I wasn’t.   I felt something inside I couldn’t explain.   So I went with my gut.
And it paid off.   I met my soon-to-be husband shortly thereafter and knew he was for me.   Perfect?  No.  Perfect for me?  Yes.
I endured seven years of grueling dates before I met him (more on that later) so it was not something easily attained.   Work on the other hand was a different story.   I decided to adopt a similar attitude as I did with finding my spouse after I calculated one day I will probably work 100,000 hours by the time I retire.  So my quest became that I would find the “perfect” job.   Not perfect- but perfect for me.
It is a journey that has still continued today.   Again my friends and family think I am crazy and trying to work for something that doesn’t exist.   But I know, like my husband, there is a career just for me out there.
And what a ride it has been.   Let me tell you about it…..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very Well Written! Entertaining, Yet Soooo True, and Very Funny!! A MUST Read
